On Thursday 2nd of November 2022, WhatsApp the biggest chatting platform in the world launched new communities’ features. The communities feature came a tool intended to organize multiple group chat into one place it means office, neighborhood or school could be joined together with different chats.
The Communities offer some interesting features to complement the communities on WhatsApp like larger voice call, reactions, file sharing and admin control aside the fact that it can bring different chat group under one umbrella. Community admins can reach members with important updates by sending announcements and community members can stay connected by exploring and chatting in groups that matter to them. Members can receive updates sent to the entire community and easily organize smaller discussion groups on what matters to them. Your personal messages and calls in communities are always end-to-end encrypted. No one else, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them. Though the feature is limited to some countries and may not be available in your country or region yet, if the community feature is not available to you yet you have to keep checking back to know when it would be available in your country or area.
To Create a community on android, follow below steps:
1. Open WhatsApp > tap More options > New community.
Alternatively, tap New chat > New community.
• You can also navigate to the community tab > New community.
2. Enter the community name, description, and profile photo.
• The community name limit is 24 characters.
• Your description should provide members an idea of what your community is about.
• You can add a community icon by tapping the Camera icon. You can choose Take Photo, Choose Photo, or Search Web to add an image. Once set, the icon will appear next to the community in the Chats tab.
3. Tap the green arrow icon to add existing groups or create a new group.
4. To add groups to your community:
• Tap Create New Group or Add Existing Groups.
• Create New Group: Enter the group subject. This will be the name of the group that all participants will see.
• You can create up to 10 new groups.
• You can add a group icon as well as a short description of the group.
• You can add participants later.
• Add Existing Groups: You can choose to add groups you’re currently an admin of to your community. Select which groups to add then tap the green arrow icon.
5. When finished adding groups to your community, tap the green check mark icon.
• You can add up to 50 groups in addition to the announcement group.
• You can add up to 5,000 members to a community announcement group.
• Groups are open for any community member to join.
• A community announcement group will automatically be created for your community. This is a space where community admins can send messages to all community members in the announcement group.
• WhatsApp is rolling out closed groups and it may not be available to you yet. Please check back to see when closed groups will be available in your area.
To Create a community on iPhone follow below steps:
1. Open WhatsApp > tap New chat > New Community > Get Started.
2. Enter the community name, description, and profile photo.
• The community name limit is 24 characters.
• Your description should provide members an idea of what your community is about.
• You can add a community icon by tapping the Camera icon. You can choose Take Photo, Choose Photo, or Search Web to add an image. Once set, the icon will appear next to the community in the Chats tab.
3. Tap Next to add existing groups or create a new group.
4. To add groups to your community:
• Tap Create New Group or Add Existing Group.
• Create New Group: Enter the group subject. This will be the name of the group that all participants will see.
• You can create up to 10 new groups.
• You can add a group icon as well as a short description of the group.
• You can add participants later.
• Add Existing Group: You can choose to add groups you’re currently an admin of to your community. Select which groups to add then tap Next.
5. When finished adding groups to your community, tap Create
• You can add up to 50 groups in addition to the announcement group.
• You can add up to 5,000 members to a community announcement group.
• Groups are open for any community member to join.
• A community announcement group will automatically be created for your community. This is a space where community admins can send messages to all community members in the announcement group.
• WhatsApp is rolling out closed groups and it may not be available to you yet.
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